Following a Line of Enquiry

How a little mental note can develop provision in the Early Years. 

Recently, I noticed a repeated theme emerging in the play of my littlest learners. Their constructions contained simple ramps and they spent long periods rolling a whole range of items down it. Perhaps it was a schema? A stage in their block play? I had noticed that some of their play in the outdoors was quite low level (you know the group I mean). So, I wanted to take this outside and extend it on a larger scale. 

Initially, I created a simple provocation with ramps and cars. They continued to repeatedly roll them down and with a little support began to move and change the ramps.

The next day I set up the guttering with some balls. It was great to see them changing the height of the guttering to change the speed and solving problems to get them to different places. 

Finally we went 'whole hog' and tried to weave in a next step in regards to making marks. We added paint, glitter, shaving foam and paper to build on the previous provocation. 

And you can imagine the fun...

Now I am seeing ramps all over the show in their play. The little interest of a few has extended to my other children who have been role playing using 'slides' for their characters. They have used tubes, tyres and a whole range of resources to 'keep on rolling'. 

 I consider this post another 'mental note' to myself to keep my eyes and ears open for these interests as we move into transition, assessments and reports. You never know what you might miss...


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